About Me
Hello to all on pixelscrapper
I am a 58 retired nurse who took early retirement to care for a disabled husband. Now after 13 years my spine has given way, i have degenerative arthritis and my life is restricted to the home i enjoy. No longer able to garden i take pleasure out of a wild place and the birds that now frequent it. I have aways crafted from knitting, crochet, embroidery, tapestry and painting. For the last two years ive been mixed media painting, i have many journals of sci fi , fairies, history which i love, death and its life and nature of all kinds including geology and crystals. Because our life is home i fit many little pieces of craft into my day. It brightens my world and gives me purpose beyond the love of my life, my husband. I miss very much walking and photography but would say like life is we adapt and create within our resources and environment.
The last year is troublesome as i now suffer damage to spinal nerves in my neck making my hands tremor badly at points in the day. My painting and pencil work has become a part of my life where printed pictures and colouring books dominate my artwork.... ive learnt that to work outside the lines is a good thing. I laugh a lot and give much of myself to my Andrew to make his life as pleasurable and meaningful as possible. He used to make military models and was so good at improvisation but alas his disability has reduced his capacity to follow simple instruction. I love to read, search for rare books and i am passionate about Art in all its forms. I went to Art College and my husband was an Industrial Designer for 30+ years. I believe there is a world filled with magic and fantastic beings where wild and crazy flowers grow and one day i shall go there when my life on earth is at an end. I do not believe in any god but believe in peace among men ....and women.
My name is Mandy and i am a good person who does not ask for any help in my quest to care .