Nous y étions ensemble

Nous y étions ensemble

More layouts using Formerly Formal Bundle

  1. Last Day of School 2023
  2. 56 ans de Georges
  3. Beautiful Things (Formerly Formal)
  4. vintage bird
  5. Groot Constantia Winery

Recent Comments

Angelhaze Digiscrap
Angelhaze Digiscrap Mon, 09/18/2023 - 07:46

Very lovely layout!

Linda2 Dlr
Linda2 Dlr Sun, 09/17/2023 - 20:01

Really like the two rows of geo tags as a design element

Stephanie Clemons 🎨
Stephanie Clemons 🎨 Fri, 09/15/2023 - 13:24

Very elegant!

Bourico Casper
Bourico Casper Tue, 09/12/2023 - 01:23

Magnifique , j'aime aussi la mise en page et la photo longue et étroite, çà donne super bien!

AMarie Charp✨
AMarie Charp✨ Tue, 09/12/2023 - 00:42

Thank you Lidia.

Lidia Grad
Lidia Grad Mon, 09/11/2023 - 14:07

Beautiful, I love the cluster and how you used the geo tags.

AMarie Charp✨
AMarie Charp✨ Mon, 09/11/2023 - 09:11


Rae Aerrae
Rae Aerrae Mon, 09/11/2023 - 08:54

Beautiful LO!