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About Me
I live on the south coast of England, five minutes from the sea. Unfortunately disabled so dont get out much, so spend some of the time on the computer. I am interested in genealogy and tend to digital scrapbook my family stuff. I also love catholic imagery, and looking into printing and distributing free prayer cards in different countries, so that the children can have something as a keepsake.
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Revamped this scrapbook page due to the new rainbow kit from pixelscrapper.
The tickets I had photograhed and cut to size. The mickey balloon and photoframes are from daisytrail website kit.
Is this starting a new phase in my digital scrapbooking, relooking at old pages and making them much busier? At least they are all digital, where changing them are easy.
- Uploaded Tue, 06/28/2016 - 00:42
- 1 person hearts this