Life is sweet-bonus

Life is sweet-bonus

More layouts using Life Is Sweet - Bonus

  1. 19 mars
  2. Week 06b February 2023
  3. Week 06a February 2023
  4. This Face
  5. Calero Lake Outside

Recent Comments

val jordan
val jordan Tue, 11/28/2023 - 08:01

So cute layout. Beauty is in simplicity... love it!

Shannon Maguire
Shannon Maguire Wed, 02/22/2023 - 11:12

Oh my, love, love! Oh, and not just Baloo, the page is nice too! haha

Nathalie Laurent
Nathalie Laurent Mon, 02/20/2023 - 13:35

trop mimi!

Bourico Casper
Bourico Casper Mon, 02/20/2023 - 01:49

Thank you Jill

Jill French
Jill French Sun, 02/19/2023 - 23:37

Baloo is looking very intense about something - great photo, & LO, Bourico.

Bourico Casper
Bourico Casper Sun, 02/19/2023 - 04:08

Many thanks ladies

Louise Ohara
Louise Ohara Sat, 02/18/2023 - 21:14

This layout is lovely

Bina Greene 🎑
Bina Greene 🎑 Thu, 02/16/2023 - 12:52

So beautiful, Bourico.

Sharon-Dewi Stolp
Sharon-Dewi Stolp Thu, 02/16/2023 - 04:14

Stunning layout! I love your title and all the scatters and splatters surrounding and highlighting your beautiful photo!