
The Commons is an area where community members of all levels can upload and share designs they create, while getting feedback and progressing as designers. Please join us if you'd like to share your designs!
Note: marks that you have previously downloaded the item.
  1. MM Paper 14
  2. MM Paper 12
  3. MM Paper 13
  4. MM Paper 11
  1. MM Paper 10
  2. MM Paper 09
  3. MM Paper 08
  4. MM Paper 07
  1. MM Paper 06
  2. MM Paper 05
  3. MM Paper 04
  4. MM Paper 03


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Practice Your Graphic Design for Scrapbooking

Welcome to the Commons! We’re so glad you found your way here. As you’ll quickly see if you read our manifesto, we believe in the power of creativity, generosity, and generous creativity. The Commons sprang from those values. The Commons is a place where beginner and intermediate designers can practice their craft, share their creations with the community, and get quality control feedback - all to the end of honing their skill as a designer and getting encouraged and built up in their creative endeavors.

In the Commons it doesn’t matter what kind of digital scrapbooking software you like to use, whether Adobe Photoshop Elments, Adobe Photoshop CC, Paint Shop Pro, or free software like Gimp. Use whatever works best for you and where you’re at. You can also create whatever kind of images you’re most interested in, whether PNG, PSD, TIF, SVG, EPS - you name it!

Become a Community Designer here at

To join the incredible team of community designers (just scroll down the team page) you just need to fill out our simple commons application. Once you’re in, you’ll start out as a level 1 designer who can upload a few graphics a week, but as you progress (and you can progress quickly if you’re determined!) you’ll unlock the ability to upload more and more, and even eventually whole kits and bundles. The Commons is built on our value for interdependence and receiving as you give, so you will both be giving feedback to and getting feedback from the other designers so that everybody gets to grow and learn from each other.

Regardless of your experience level, the Commons will benefit you. Even for more advanced graphic designers, there’s room to learn about how the design process at works and to make your designs available for the larger community.

Join today, so that you can then join the Commons! We can’t wait to see your papers, elements, templates, alphas, journal cards, and all the rest. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never designed before - if you have a desire to, we want you! You don’t even have to have one of our great subscriptions to be a Commons Designer, and time spent creating and learning is time well spent and never goes to waste. We believe that you will find your time spent designing and in the Commons to be life enriching and very rewarding.

All graphics in the Commons are available under our Personal Use license.