Anne mentioned over here that she likes playing Euro style board games, and sine those are a favorite of mine as well I thought it'd be fun to see if anyone else joined us in our board game fervor
My always favorite is Kingdom Builder and my most recent favorite is Wingspan. I also have a current obsession with playing Race for the Galaxy on my phone.
I have so many favourite euro board games too.
Some of mine are:
Wingspan (also one of my favourites, an amazing game by a woman designer).
Isle of Cats
Finca (an oldie but goodie, it's out of print)
Colors of Paris
Above and Below
Stone Age
Jaipur (2 players only)
Patchwork (also 2 players only)
Silver and Gold
I play Star Realms on my phone.
My husband's:
Carcassone (we have the Hunters and Gatherers version)
Railroad Ink
Valley of the Kings (we prefer the small box versions)
any of the Pandemic co-operative games (we own Fall of Rome & Reign of Cthulu)
Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War is a great resource for exploring modern games. It is full of information and reviews. (My user name is Purrceys on this site.) I also recommend videos on You Tube by Watch It Played (Rodney Smith) for learning specific games and the Dice Tower network.
I'll second Board Game Geek (my username is KogarashiKaze there).
We have a decent collection building. Some of my current favorites:
Pandemic (any version; we own Reign of Cthulhu, base Pandemic, and the On the Brink expansion, and have played both seasons of Legacy with friends)
Betrayal at House on the Hill (we have the base game, the Widow's Walk expansion, and Legacy with a completed campaign)
Cards Against Humanity (clean print-and-play version I put together so I could play with my kids because I prefer the humor when it isn't offensive or M-rated)
Robo Rally
Lovecraft Letter (a Lovecraft skin on Love Letter)
Dutch Blitz
I have Cthulhu Realms, Ascension, and Mysterium on my tablet for play on the go.
We are all about games - Carcassone (Big Box with all of the 13 add-ons), all of the Fluxx games, Timeline, Firefly Clue, Ticket to Ride
I really love Bohnanza (Image result for origin of bohnanza game
Bohnanza is a German-style card game based on the game mechanics of trading and politics, designed by Uwe Rosenberg and released in 1997 (in German) by Amigo Spiele and (in English) by Rio Grande Games.)
It's a great strategy game!
Kelly I love Bohnanza too. It was a game I played at the first local gaming event I ever went to. It's a great game, lots of fun.
I mostly play games with my husband (a couple of years ago, we moved across the city away from my boardgaming group), so I bought Bohnanza: The Duel which is a newer two player only game which plays better than the 2 player variant included in the original game.
Just last year, Uwe Rosenburg released a really good 2 player only game called Robin of Locksley. My husband and I prefer "lighter" games (some of Uwe's are too complex for me.). We mostly game with each other (especially now since we're still socially isolating) but occasionally play games with my best friend and her husband who we introduced to board gaming several years ago.
Ooooh, RoboRally just came up talking with my partner tonight--I have a friend in Minneapolis who had to do the "Twonky dance" every time he was trying to program his turn, physically twisting this way and that in his chair because spatial visualization was a challenge for him. We used to play a lot of it anyway, because he loves the game. We also used to play a lot of the first edition Cosmic Encounter.
I'm more into the non-CCGs, though--Chez Geek, Munchkin, Cards Against Humanity, Apples to Apples (good family game once the kids can read), Fluxx, or Management Material (PG-rated, but I still don't recommend teaching your kids to make excuses to get out of things they don't want to do).
ZAR is a lot of fun in a board game group--it plays a lot like "Uno with interrupts", as that same Minneapolis friend put it when telling me about it for the first time; every card in the deck has an exact match, which can be played out of turn when the first is played and forces the person who played it to draw a card, with play then continuing from the person who played the matching card.
@Holly: I am directionally challenged and that always makes RoboRally interesteding!
Managed to play a game of Wingspan and our newest game Concordia over the weekend. I would also highly recommend the game "Welcome to Your Perfect Home" which you can play with anywhere from 2 people to as many as you have pens. It's kind of like bingo, but with some strategy and more fun.
I haven't played RoboRally but we have a game called Quirky Circuits which is similar.
In it you have robots (including a cute cat on a roomba) that you are programming in various scenarios in a map book. What makes it different is that it is a co-operative, you must play cards and you can't tell or communicate with the other players about what cards you are playing. The results can be quite funny.
Ps I uploaded a meeple paper and overlay to the commons today as there isn't anything for this type of board game on the site. (The items and paper avaiable are more for traditional board games.)
We love board games.
Blockus, Blokus Duo Strategy, Qwirkle, Qwirkle Cube, Quarkle Trio, Qbitz, Rummykum, Where in The World, Apples to Apples, Ticket to Ride, Little Man In the Map, oh and chess.
Robin Qwirkle is a favourite of ours. We also love Ticket to Ride - we play the London version which is shorter and faster than the regular Ticket to Rides (it uses buses instead of trains.)
Unfortunately my huband's visuospatial planning is so much better than mine so he can defeat me in just a few moves. (He can see more moves ahead then I can.) However for people who are much more evenly matches, it's a great game.
I could play Quarkle every day but talking the kids into it takes some doing now with all there online games.
We enjoy board games, though we don't get to play them too often with the kids being too young for most of them. They're still mostly at Candyland level or less, though I'm working on teaching my newly minted 5 year old a simplified version of Uno.
When my husband and I do get to play board games, we usually end up playing Ticket To Ride, Carcassone, Fluxx, or Farkel, just because they're relatively quick. Other ones we've enjoyed are Cartagena and Smash Up. We have a whole stack of games downstairs that we haven't had time to play in so long that we forgot how, or just never got to opening in the first place. But now that all of the kids are sleeping through the night, mostly, I'm hoping that we can remedy that.
What dreams are made of
We love Ticket to Ride! When the pandemic hit, we found it online and play it almost every night with our family who lives out-of-state. I just had everyone send me a selfie of them playing so I can create a layout!
So fun! We've been enjoying playing games online with family. There's a great site,, which has a lot of games that you can play with friends and family. 7 Wonders is a favorite. It's amazing how much quicker it goes when you don't have to set the game up!
My 8 year old loves Clue. She is really good. Beats me almost every time and I don't "let" her win!
My 6 year old so loves games of all kinds. Battleship and Guess Who are two favorites.
I purchased Chickapig for Christmas (honestly I only ordered it because Dave Matthews was in the advert. He is a farmer friend of the man who created the game.) We tried to play a couple times but it is kind of complicated and neither of my kiddos have the patience for it. Maybe in a couple more year we will try again.
I play all of these with family fairly regularly.
Pandemic -- fun to play when we don't want to compete against each other.
Ticket to Ride -- building railroads across the continental US. A lot more fun than it sounds.
Exploding Kittens -- quick, fast paced card game that can get REALLY tense REALLY quickly.
We LOVE Exploding Kittens too!
We like Settler's of Catan.
Just played Concordia yesterday, and I won, so I have a good feeling about the game right now
We love board games, any games actually. My sister gave us Bohnanza and we started teaching our 8-year old neighbor. She loves it too! And Ticket to Ride, Clue, just about any card game...we have a game called 221B Baker Street that's based on Sherlock Holmes stories and it's really fun.
can't believe i missed this thread haha!!
i belong to a small group that does ladies' game nights (the hostess and her husband are big board gamers and after watching him go to guys' game nights she decided to start hosting her own for women friends). Lora and Andy have a board game collection like you wouldn't believe! we have played all kinds but if i had to pick two random favorites, i'd have go with Sushi Go Party (short and adorable) and Euphoria (long but so fascinating!).
We enjoy board games with our granddaughter, especially Candyland, MouseTrap, Operation and Battleship.
I'm not really into the Euro-type games, although most of my family are. I prefer word games like Scrabble, Bananagrams or Boggle, or quick and easy card games like Sleeping Queens or Monopoly Deal.
My family is huge into Boardgames. My brother, sister and I have game nights every other month. The Euro style aren't our favorites though. We are more into the thematic games. One of our favorite is Betrayal at House on the Hill. Its so fun and each time you play its a different game!
Ruby Storm, what a brilliant idea.
I am most certainly copying it!
I'm a homeschool mom so most of the games I played with my children were educational.
I am going to look into some of the other games mentioned here - always looking for fun games to play
We are a family of 7, so we are somewhat limited on what games work for us! Currently, we've been playing Tsuro, Telestrations, 7 Wonders, Plunder, Unstable Unicorns...and for Christmas I got the family crime investigation games - it's called Cryptic Killers, and you just work together as a detective team to solve a crime! Pretty fun!