Tanz der Seifenblasen - Dance of bubbles

Tanz der Seifenblasen - Dance of bubbles

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Recent Comments

Jill French
Jill French Sun, 07/24/2022 - 21:45

Yes, who would be without the net, now?

Doska St.
Doska St. Sun, 07/10/2022 - 07:33

Hi Jill, I'm glad to read that. It doesn't matter, it's understandable that you lose a lot if you don't constantly speak in the language you learned. In other subjects it is almost the same. What you don't need often in everyday life you forget, but it can be remembered in important situations. Today we have translation possibilities and internet as a library ;))

Jill French
Jill French Sat, 07/09/2022 - 20:42

Hi Doska, German was 1 of my elective subjects in Junior High School. I studied it at Advanced Level - the highest level, & passed it at Advanced Level when I did my School Certificate exams ( 4th year High School ) To be honest, I didn't have a good grasp of the grammar or vocabulary, so, I don't know how I managed to pass at Advanced level. Today, I have very little of the language in my memory. I can understand more than I can speak it, because seeing it written does bring back some memory of vocabulary.

Doska St.
Doska St. Fri, 04/29/2022 - 11:30

Thank you Wendy ♥

Wendy Arnsmeyer
Wendy Arnsmeyer Thu, 04/28/2022 - 14:24

The bubbles in this are amazing!

Doska St.
Doska St. Mon, 04/25/2022 - 03:21

Thank you, Jill ♥. Did you learn this while visiting relatives in Germany or did you once learn German in a language school?

Jill French
Jill French Sun, 04/24/2022 - 20:30

Love this, Doska. Some of my German vocabulary still stays with me - I knew it was about dancing.