Introduce yourself!

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Introduce yourself!

Hey Everyone. I know some of you have been stopping by for a long time. I think it's been open almost 3 years now, so some of you have been my secret admirers for that long. So I'd really love if you'd take a moment to say hi, introduce yourself and talk a little about how you scrapbook and why. Even if you're new, I'd love to get to know you too!

I'll start with myself. I was born in Minnesota, USA in 1985 (that makes me 27 right now!). When I was 12 my family moved to La Paz, Bolivia, a city on the edge of the world (15,000 feet up). My parents are teachers, and they switched from public school teaching to working in international schools so my family could travel more. And travel we did.

All this traveling is what got me started (paper) scrapbooking when I was probably 14, or so. My parents bought me some paper, glue and scissors and I was off and haven't looked back since. It wasn't until about three years ago, when I was stuck at my desk while teaching English in Korea that I made the switch to digital. I used to look at digital scrapbooking with my nose in that air, "why would I want to give up all this great paper?" But then, "What, you mean I can MAKE paper, in ANY color, with ANY pattern, and keep AS MUCH OF IT AS I WANT with me WHEREVER I AM?" It became evident that working digitally was what I had been waiting for my whole life and didn't know it. I used to scrapbook only in the summer, when we were back in the States and I had access to paper and things. Now I scrapbook ANYWHERE, including from my backpack while on the road. The switch to digital was so massive for me that I'm here now trying to make it my life's work. If you had told me when I was 15 that I would be scrapbooking for my job I never would have believed you in a million years. I've never had an art class. I studied physics in college. That's how serious I was about design.

But if there's one thing I learned studying physics, it's that's life is uncertain and what you think you know you probably don't.

Hi everyone! This is Jordan. I fell madly in love with Marisa during college, married her in 2007, and we've been adventuring together ever since smiley. I'm not much of a scrabpbooker myself, but I am passionate about creativity, I heart Marisa's creations, and have enjoyed helping her make this website a reality.

My personal creative pursuits tend to be focused on interactive media art, where I like to doodle around with sketches and experiments (and sometimes write things). A couple of years ago, for instance, Marisa and I set off on a shoestring backpacking tour of Southeast Asia, and I kickstarted a project to make little games and notgames about the places we visited. Here's the video I made to intro the project back in 2010:

This year I'm teaching a class on interactive narrative at an international high school in Amman, where Marisa and I are currently living (we like to wander around), doing some web development work, and helping Marisa with this site. I'm really excited for the plans she has for, and I hope you all will be excited too!

Here's a recent picture of me, Marisa, and our dog, Toby (who's a bit of a grump, but we love him anyway):

Hi! My name is Leticia, I'm 30 years old (don't make me think about it, I feel old). I'm from Uruguay, a little country in South America. I'm a mom of a little girl called Martina, she's 3 years old and became my life into a wonderful mess.
I've discovered what Scrapbooking is thanks to Marisa. I found her site by coincidence, and I fell for your creativity! Since then I can't stop using their assets to beautify the photos of my daughter and her adventures!
Sorry about my english, I know isn't very good, and Google translator REALLY doesn't help at all haha

Hi !!
I'm so excited to be a part of this Beta Testing. I'm a fan for a long long while and happy to be here with you !
I live in France ... and I use my best friend 'Google Translator' lollll
Mum of 2 kids : Léa (13 years) & Ugo (6 years), housewife (sometimes deseperate ... ) , with 1 black fish & 1 crazy dog & 1 husband (also crazy smiley ) I looooove your Toby smiley
I scrapbook a few years now!
I just decided a little break ... because I too lived for scrapbooking and I did nothing else!
See you soon !

Hello Marisa,

I found your website about a year ago by accident (don't you love those kind!) I decided to take a look around and was amazed that something like this existed! Your site got me started in digital scrapbooking! I had previously purchased Corel Paintshop Pro and didn't know that I could do scrapbooking with this software. Now after using your assets and seeing what you create it has taught me alot about my program. I am so excited and love the pages I can make. I formerly used paper but digital just opens a whole new world. Thanks for all you do for us digiscrappers!

Hi. My name is Tina and I'm a digi scrapping addict! I started paper scrapping after my youngest son (now 12) was born. He was around 2 years old when I discovered digital scrapbooking. Back then I would download everything I could find and rarely used any of it (because I was too busy searching and downloading, lol) then the dreaded hard drive crash which of course caused me to to lose everything! Once I got my computer back up and running with a bigger hard drive and more memory I slowed down on the downloading and actually started using the fabulous stuff I was finding. In 2006, I started to play around with designing and actually managed to create a pretty good stash of my own elements and overlays. I thought I was doing good by backing up on an external hard drive....nope...lost all that too. I have created a few things since then but lost the passion to continue doing more. I stumbled upon (back then I believe the site was called Pixed Memories) and was amazed at the amount of generosity one could have to leave items up for all to snag, whenever we needed it! I thank you for that! You are definately my go to site for any inspiration I am looking for. I was probably one of the first to donate when the donate button went up last year, it was my pleasure and it was the least I could do for all you've done for me! I am back to designing, not full time but enough to keep me actively online. I can crank out a kit in about a month, lol. I do use a lot of CU items simply because it's easier and I am still trying to find that creative side that got locked up in my external HD! I am extremely happy to be a part of the beta testing team and look forward to having a home online again!

Before you tell me, I know, I need a better profile picture. My photos are on other computer ATM.

I am know by Lórien, and I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I´m a 28-years-old married girl, with no human kids, but mom of 4 adult cats and 1 kitten recently adopted. I was a teacher, but about 1 year ago I realised I didn´t want to teach for the rest of my life, and I am looking for a proftable carreer. By now, I am staying at home crafting. Maybe if my business grow it can be my job forever smiley

I first knew scrapbooking in a craft fair. Its not a common craft here in Brazil, and its seem like a hobby that only fits SAM women with rich husbands because the material is really expensive here. I probably knew this site in the beginning of this year, if I am not mistaken by the Pinterest, and I like it for some reasons: You don´t need to download the whole kits, the terms of use are clear. And, of course, Marisa does a great job making beautiful things. Thats why I deceided to join the beta, as a form to say thank you, as I can´t donate for now, because our financial situation isn´t good and dollar prizes are a bit high smiley

Wow! It's so great to meet you all! Thanks for taking to time to tell me a little bit about you! It's really great to have you all here and I can't wait to see what we all do in the future!

Hi Marisa, I have been following your stuff for awhile now. I live in the Sticks in California. Not Country, no livestock. I have been married 19 1/2 years and we cats and a turtle. I just started sharing my stuff in April on my blog. I use some of your goodies. I also follow you on Pinterest. I love seeing all the places you and your Husband visit. If I ever left the US, I would live in Germany and raise sheep. For wool, not food. I am member of PETA and the Humane Society. I look forward to the site...

Hi! I'm lucky to be Marisa's favorite (and only) sister. I grew up trying to scrapbook as well as my older sister did, but didn't have the patience for it. That being said, Marisa obviously took off with it and I'm so happy that this site has become a reality! I spend my time working at a hotel here in Minneapolis (one of the places I call home), keeping up with a variety of long-distance relationships (having friends and family around the world), dreaming of doing a bit more traveling (who can get enough?), and generally waking up everyday feeling optimistic with the thought of how unpredictable life is. I love this site and am excited to see it grow! smiley

hi everyone. im new here. i am a digital artist and photographer. im a siggie designer on it give me an outlet for my art. i design wallpaper, custom pages, facebook covers etc. i discovered the digital scrap community when i became a siggie designer. i have not yet started scrapping. its always on my to do list but designing keeps me busy.

i have been married to my husband randy for 25 years this december (eek!) and have 1 beautiful 24yr old daughter named jacqueline (jaci for short). i also have 4 wonderful furbabies. 4 cats who i love to death. i look forward to working with you all and becoming a part of your community. i have been wanting to spread my wings farther than cafemom but my fears have been holding me back. maybe the fates have stepped in and given me the push i needed. oh ya, i live in wisconsin, usa

Great to hear from more of you! We seem to have lots of cat lovers here. I actually have two myself. One friendly one and one lurker.

This is the friendly one:

Hello my name is Jessica and i'm a 25 year old mum från Sweden smiley I have a daughter, Melissa 5 years old smiley And one on the way smiley I just love all your stuff. I'm a paper scrapper from the begining and started digiscrap about a year ago.. And i design some stuff then and then smiley

I can only say that this new space is already my favourite place in cyber space...

A little more introduction than my profile gives: My name is Trine and I have been mad about designing and scrapping for about 4 years now. I don't have time to both scrap and design as much as I would like, even though I have been without a steady job for the last 4 years (job hunting is very time consuming). But I use as much time as a can on both, but mostly designing as that is my biggest love.

On the side I love going out with my camera and documenting the world - both at home and on as many travels as I can afford. My most visited destinations are New York City and the Danish paradise island Bornholm (where I hope to move to some day).

I have neither children nor pets, so I am immensely gratefull that my sister supplied me with a nice and a nephew of the most photogenic kind. They are, together with my travel pictures, my most used base for scrapping.

If you want to know more about me and my work, I would be joyed by your visit to my BLOG and my STORE.

Hi Trine and Jessica! Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourselves!

I'm not a big scrapbooker but I do a lot of graphic art work for non-profits and mom-n-pop business so I'm always looking for free commercial use papers for their work because their budgets are usually pretty small - and this is a great source!

BTW, Marisa, I sponsor a sweet little 9YO gal through Compassion International who lives in La Paz.

Hi, my name is Angela, I love all kinds of crafting but whatever I do I want to design my own, so whatever my current craft is I try and do the designing. When it comes to scrapbooking I don't yet possess the technical skills to do everything so it was great to find Marisa's site. Marisa is way ahead of me in designing with the computer and has a fantastic site. I wish her great success with this new site.

Hi Marisa, I have been following your stuff for awhile now. I live in the Sticks in California. Not Country, no livestock. I have been married 19 1/2 years and we cats and a turtle. I just started sharing my stuff in April on my blog. I use some of your goodies. I also follow you on Pinterest. I love seeing all the places you and your Husband visit. If I ever left the US, I would live in Germany and raise sheep. For wool, not food. I am member of PETA and the Humane Society. I look forward to the site...

Shuckclod, I love your designs. smiley
And I also find very nice to find designers I identify myself with, like you smiley

Hi I am from Alberta Canada. Digital scrapbooking is still quite new for me, but since i love challenging myself to learn new things this new passion is very enjoyable. I am enjoying creating layouts and other hybrid products for my grandson. I have an adult son who is married to Kendra. They have two boys 2y and 4 weeks. I work full time in health care. I also do traditional scrapbooking and organize my friends for a day event every month, as well as weekend retreats for us to get away to share our lives and our scrapbooking passion.

I have been following Maris for quite some time (I began collecting long before I started creating) and have so enjoyed using the beautiful products.

thanks for the opportunity to participate

Hi there! My name is Shonda and I stumbled upon your site a little less than a year ago while searching in good old Google for some embellishments to use on a project I was working on. I fell in love with your site and have been using it since then.

I am from Ohio and have an eager desire to learn how to create more and do more as far as digital scrapbooking goes. I just started making invitations (why haven't I done this before?!?!) and thank you cards for birthday, etc. I have found this craft to be very addictive and love it!

Thanks so much for the opportunity to participate smiley So glad to be here!

Hafa Adai Friends

My name's Jaclyn and I live in Guam and love scrapping! I got into digital scrapbooking a couple years ago due to the lack of quality products on this tiny island. I think this site is amazing and i'm so excited to see a community join! I can't believe the generosity here! Can't wait to become more involved and see & share layouts from everyone!

My name is Janet and I live in TEXAS! I'm an empty nester as my kids are both at Texas A&M (a 3 hour drive). My husband still works and I pretty much live on my iMac! I'm the proud owner of 2 Shih Tzu boys (yes, boys with bows)! They keep me company and I'd be lost without them!

Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! I love to meet everyone who's been using the site. Makes it more real and exciting!

Fun to meet everyone! It's really great to see people coming from all corners of the globe.

Jaclyn: I saw that your husband's with the Coast Guard, which is cool--my brother's at the CGA right now!

Hi everyone, I'm Heather Green (do I have to state my age??? LOL), I'm 38 and live in southwest Florida. I'm a first generation Florida Native but my husband of 15 years is a 5th generation Florida Native...a rarity smiley
I'm a wildlife photographer and I also design photography backdrops for a company online.
You can see my photography website here if you're interested:

I am Sharon, live in Arkansas, and am 39 yrs old. I don't do much digital scrapbooking. The most I have done in that aspect is to make a scrapbook video of my Grandma Lois, who passed away in March. Just like her family, I used many different quick pages for the over 300 photos that were collected and scanned into the computer for me. Yes, it took me almost 6 months to finish it. This was due to suffering from many different aliments from stress from being married to an abusive man. It was mental and emotional abuse which is so difficult to overcome but with God's directions, I am moving forward. Usually I just use the papers to put on my jewelry pieces that are out of wood, dominoes, scrabble tiles, etc. I love your work! I will post pictures and a website addy for my jewelry as soon as I get some more created!

Hi Marisa,
My name is Teresa; I am from New York City, USA! A few years ago, I needed something for Digital Scrapbooking and I did a Google search for a Disney layout, (I love Disney see screen name and avatar) and found your site, since then, I come to your site weekly.
I have in my Digital Scrapbooking stash a Marisa Lerin's Folder. smiley

I love your Designs and I love traveling too and seeing your layouts were truly inspirational!
and WOW what a great job Jordan and You have done to the site, it so user friendly, nice to navigate.
Thank you very much!


Hi Marisa,

I'm extremely new to scrapbooking say within the last month or so, so i'm really just finding the ropes. I am so glad that I stumbled across your website. I'm Hayley, I'm 22 from England, UK. I am a full time mummy to my little boy Alfie who's 17 months. I am photograph-aholic so I thought what better way to put my photo's together than scrapbooking!

Looking forward to learning new things!

Hayley smiley

Hello, my name is Pieta, I'm from The Netherlands. My English is not so good, but I hopp everone will understand me. I like to scrapbook recipecards. So I'll hope to find here some stuff to use for my recipecards.


My real name is Ana Andréia, but all my family and friends calls me Déia (it's And in the internet I'm AADesigns.
I'm brazilian and live in Sorocaba/SP. I'm 33 years-old, married, no kids and I love animals especially cats (in my parents' house I have two - female and male). I've been working with digital scrapbboking since 2006, but because I last work I had to stop for 4/5 years (only sometimes I had time to do something). But since I married my husband had encouraged me to continue "playing" with it. So at 2010 I restart work with my PSP and this year I start work with Photoshop too.
When I start look tutorials to create my own designs to scraps I found the (I think it was at June of this year) and love all Marina's creations. Because her I really decided create my own designs... Thanks you so much!!!

Hi - I'm Michelle and I live in California. I found about 6 months ago, and have been by quite often! I design Scrapbook kits and have my own little blog that keeps me busy! It's nice to see so many people from all over the world! Thanks for making this such a great Site, Marisa and Jordan!!
