Making Glitter Texture in Photoshop

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Making Glitter Texture in Photoshop

(If you are using Photoshop CC you will need to install legacy patterns to find the one I'm using. Directions here.)

1. Open a new canvas in Photoshop. I made my mine 3 inches square, 300 dpi.
2. Make a new layer the color of your choice (layer 1).
3. Make a new layer. Using the pattern fill tool, fill the new layer with "Towel" (Texture Fill 2 patterns).

4. Set the blending mode to "Overlay".
5. Make a copy a layer 2. Set the blending mode to "Soft Light".
6. Make a new layer (layer 3). Fill with a light gray color. I used #b7b4b4. Set the opacity to 30%.
7. Make another copy of layer 2 and put it over layer 3. Set the blending mode to "Overlay".
8. Make a new layer (layer 4) and fill it with the color you chose at the beginning. Set the opacity to 30%.
9. Make a new layer (layer 5) and fill with the pattern "Web". Set the blending mode to "Overlay".

10. Finished! Your layers should look like this. Obviously this is just one way to do it. Hopefully it will help get your started!

I have been searching for tutorials on this!!! I have not found one until now, thanks so much for sharing this!!!

This is the best method I found for making glitter in Photoshop and I searched for a long time. I'm glad to share it!

I have to try this one smiley

Awesome thank you!!! I LOVE glitter, can't wait to try this one out!

This is fabulous!! Thank you SO much!

It's almost what I'm looking for. Thanks!!! I'd like to create these towel, but it'll help a lot.

Wow didnt know it is so easy. Thanks

Thank you - I guess you must know how hard it is to find a tutorial on this!

thanks for the easy tut

Cute! What girl doesn't love a little glitter?

Just in time for the holiday season, too!

I'll have to try that!

I absolutely love glitter and am hoping I find a way to do this technique in PSE11! Thank you!

Cant wait to try this .. i have tried others before but failed or got myself totally confused .. smiley

This is a very useful tutorial. smiley
Thank you so much smiley

Hi Marisa,

I just found a reference to your glitter-tutorial on Sahlin Studio's blog (kewl!)

I'd like to take Marisa's glitter tutorial one step further. Get this Sparkle Template that I just uploaded. You can use the .png file or the .abr brush.

When using the brush you can click once for a scatter of sparkle:

Or click and drag to start with a scatter of sparkle that gets smaller and fades away.

So I did Marisa's tutorial, but then added one more layer on top, using the Sparkle brush with white. I also added a 2 pixel bevel and emboss.

The Sparkle Template is great for fairly layouts, space layouts, or like above, to help enhance your glitter!

Note: I hope I added the sample images right. I ended up loading them in my gallery. I tried two other ways that didn't work - so, Marisa and Jordan, I hope this way was OK. smiley

UPDATE: Hmm, well just found this nifty info on adding images to the forum here - I do have a flickr account. So I'll see if I can switch them so I don't dirty up my gallery space (which I need to start filling). I've been too busy giving all of you fun scrappers designs. smiley

UPDATE: OK - got the images on flickr and now here. Whew! Wow, those that do tutorials regularly, THANKS! That was a lot of work, and I was trying to do an addition to an already great tutorial. OK, off to delete those samples from my gallery.

Pretty glitter!! Thank you so much for sharing your talent!

this is wonderful! been searching for this for a long time!

Interesting, everyone loves glitter. Great tutorial. smiley

I'm in shock at how easy this is... is that really it!? I'm so doing this now!

OK girls, I need ideas, I love this tutorial and have only recently come across glitter texture, I have used it on a couple of things but it looks *funny* so I have removed the style. What do YOU use it for?

Marisa - thank you! Easy peasy tutorial - saved me hours of fiddling around smiley

Fantastic! I only know how to create glitter in Art Rage and I do not have it anymore. Thanks so much!!!

Thanks you for the tutorial! @Janet - I'm using PSE 11 and everything worked fine once I noticed that my opacity and tolerance levels needed to be up all the way. (below the canvas in my tools option window)

I do have a question though.... I tried making a larger size to make glitter paper, but it didn't look so great. Any suggestions?? I thought about making a repeating pattern with the 3x3 size, but I need to find that tutorial. I'm a newbie... this is my first month with it's a little mind blowing!!

I will try this. Thanks so much

Thank you, Marisa!

Great Tutorial. Thank you.

That is a great tutorial but I do not have the pattern "towel" in my CS6. Is it a pattern I need to purchase or download from somewhere?
