Welcome to the DigitalScrapbook.com October 2020 Life Begins Challenge. This October Life Begins with (home) school/ education supplies. That can be anything from a layout of a time table to a whole set of early learning materials, as in shape and color recognition, motor skills, sight words or whatever you see fit. If you do not do school and cannot RAK anyone with your creation but still want to play along, try to make something that you can use in an organizational way. Here is a selection of free personal use tracer and school fonts that come in handy.
The challenge here is to make actual supplies not a scrapbook page featuring supplies.
Only some DigitalScrapbook.com products that can be used for creating (home)school supplies:
The Details
- Challenge ends when October does.
- Be sure to post your layout in this month's completion thread if you would like to earn download credits. More details here.
- You must tag your layouts with these two tags: oct 2020 life begins, oct 2020 layout challenge
- See entered layouts here.
- See updated rules here.
Can't figure it out. Sorry.
Can we do this in 8.5" x 11" format for easy printing?
Home Schooling High School
Removed from challenge because sadly, it did not fit the parameters. But you can still see it in the link below.
Robynne and AMarie: Love your pages guys, but the challenge here is to make the actual supplies not a layout featuring supplies.
OH - so this doesn't count? OK I can remove it from the challenge. I'll just keep it in my gallery as an extra.
I didnt make any supplies!! I didn't need to!!
Kate: Sure, any format is fine.
So sorry for the confusion, AMarie and Robynne.
sorry, it's not good!
@ Bourico - Je ne crois pas que ce soit bon. Si je comprends bien, il ne faut pas faire un layout qui utilise les plannings, il faut créer un planning. Donc tu joues à la maîtresse d'école et tu prépares une feuille d'exercice, quoi...
Oooh, this could be so fun. I'm homeschooling my boys this year, and have been considering some reading games for my kindergartener in particular. I may have to consult with him, though I'm pretty sure the answer is going to be that it needs dinosaurs.
Becky: Dinos, you say?
This here is a matching game, made for hybrid use but also usable as a single print out and then the infant would just point at the correct match. Ideally, we print and laminate the entire page, then cut it. We can also print the dinos twice and glue the numbers (Elif's) on them and then match dinos and dinos. Options. I went to 8 only for infants, some infants do not get the two digit concept before the age of 3, but whatever: you can extend this to whatever number you see fit, twenty is my fave. Have fun.
Try sight words, homophonics, addition and substraction... all with dinos or whatever your kid's fave is: ballet, unicorn, rainbow.
oh sorry i didn't understand
But I have no idea for this challenge
Here is my page. About seasons.
it's good now ???
Bourico and AMarie:
This may be a bit outside what the challenge intended. However, I know there are lots of kiddos here in the US and elsewhere who are still going to school in person. So, I came up with these "Lunchbox Love' journal cards. Goodness knows with Covid and all of the changes due to it, encouragement can't be a bad thing!
Janet: Love your take on option 2. Many thanks for playing along.
many thanks Bina!
Ok, here's my take. I may end up doing more, depending on what comes up this month, but I made a Go Fish style game for my kindergartener, to give him some extra practice with the beginning reading words that we're working on in his phonics book.
I am not "home schooling" but I am re-organizing the ALTAR GUILD at my church. Shown here are the calendar pages I am making for our Sacristry so that we can see the "Color of the Day" at a glance. I gratefully began with Marisa's blank calendar.
So fab, Poki!
This is a hybrid loop schedule for homeschooling. You can slip it in a sheet protector or laminate it for repeated use.
To use this, decide which subjects you want to do daily. Then, make a list of the other subjects that you and your learning partner will cover. Does your main curriculum cover or exclude anything? What subjects do you end up pushing aside for the "big subjects?" What subjects and activities do your learning partner find engaging?
When you finish the daily tasks, take a break, then start on the next subject on the loop list. Go down the list for the remaining time (we stop at 1 pm at the latest), checking off subjects as you finish. Do this every school day, working your way down the list. When you get to the bottom of the list, start over at the top.
Here's our current schedule:
We use the subjects from our main curriculum, Torchlight (level 1), for the bulk of our loop. We made sure to add "passion project" to give my daughter designated time devoted to working on "side projects," like drawing comic books or writing plays. Board games, likewise, are an important part of our learning environment, but get skipped in favor of "work."
The beauty of loop scheduling is that you can personalize it to each learning partner and change it as needed. You can even have a morning loop and afternoon loop. I hope this helps someone who is homeschooling right now!
Kate: What a great concept , love it, many thanks.
Becky: The dino footprint underneath the spelling words is for dino experts only, love it. I was so wondering what that could be (going.... corn) until I found it in the credits, many thanks.
I love these cards! You can extend the lesson while the weather is nice by doing the "Dino Stomp" game. Go outside and write the words on the ground with sidewalk chalk. Call out a sight word. Your son does a "dino stomp" on the correct word. It's great for times when the kids need to have a break from sitting or being inside.
Not dinosaur related, but you can also do this with water squirters and have him spray the answers. In the winter or bad weather, you can write on a window with washable or dry erase marker and give your kiddo a spray bottle to spray the correct answer.
@Bina - Thank you! It's helped us have less stress over not getting to everything in a day.
Triple Memories Hello around the World
I've tried to design a card game. A sort of memories, but then with 3 cards: a flag - a country - the word hello in the language of the coutry.
If you cut the cards with 1 green part, you can fold it and glue it together, so that the back of the card is the green paper.
I hope it makes sense....
Saskia: I love your game! Many thanks for playing along.