how to shadow?

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how to shadow?

I don't know if I should be writing here, I think yes?? Anyway I'm looking for a tutorial on how to add a shadow under a element, like a paper or a photo (like this) . I've already taken a look at the Tutorial Table of Contents and I couldn't find what I'm looking for. Do you know any useful tutorials/tips that could help me? Please link them in the comments below (I use gimp by the way but feel free to share tutorials made on photoshop too smiley).

Here is a bu smiley nch of forum posts on shadowing. I use styles to shadow. Elif has nice ones.

If you are looking for a quick way to shadow styles are the way to go as Bina mentioned!

I don't know how compatible Gimp is for what I use in photoshop as I haven't cracked it open in awhile, but if you have something similar to the transform->warp in it, that's what I use for shadowing.

For the example of photo frames which you linked what I would do to get that effect is to copy my frame element and place it behind it. On the copied layer I would fill/color the element in with a black or gray color. After that I would blur the copied layer using Gaussian blur, adjusting the number until it looked right. After that I would use the transform->warp in Photoshop on the copied layer and pull the left and right edges/dots down. Finally I would reduce my opacity on the copied layer to about 75% and set it to a blending mode of Linear Burn or Multiply. From there you could tweak using the warp tool more or just moving the shadow layer as needed.

I will say I love using the warp tool because you can really add some dimension to your shadows. Just watch the direction you warp and keep in mind how the lighting is supposed to be hitting the page. Sometimes I dont pay that much attention to all that but its the best way to get realistic shadowing keeping that in mind. smiley

Hope it helps! smiley

@Bina I'll read the posts! Thank you so much smiley

@Jessica yes there is the warp tool in gimp, I'll try your method! Thank you so so much for sharing smiley

No problem Federica! I did forgot one step I would do also, and that is set the copied layer to a blending mode of Linear Burn or Multiply. Editing my original post to reflect that.

I don't know Gimp but a Google search found this:

Shadows are a script-fu in Gimp. You'll find your basic shadow under filters > light and shadow > drop shadow. For shadowing photos, I usually start with an offset x: 8 offset y: 8 blur radius 15 and opacity 60, and then go from there depending on what effect I'm going for. Don't forget to uncheck the "allow resizing" checkbox or you may find your layout has increased in size smiley

thank you so much @Teddy and @Rose smiley