Military Themed Kit(s)

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Military Themed Kit(s)

OMG! I love that I can request here. Here's the thing. Our daughter is a United States Marine. Yep, daughter, The Fewer, The Prouder!!!
I know that there are several designers that have created kits with military, Army, Navy, etc. themes. Don't know if they're aware (or y'all) but the Marines are a different breed altogether! RAH! Anyway, they have different uniforms, different "sayings", slogans, mottos, etc. Their vehicles and planes, helos, tanks, etc. are different. I've mentioned this to the couple designers who have military kits, but their answers have always been something akin to, "our team felt you could use what we've already designed". Yeah, well no, not really. So that's my idea. Thanks for listening! Carla.....aka: MamaCoop

MODERATOR EDIT: Please avoid using ALL CAPS for forum topic titles. Thanks!

Please thank your daughter for her service! Hugs to your family, too. I know the joy, pride, and fear at times. My oldest son was in the Army (he signed up just before 9/11) and was deployed to Iraq at the beginning of the war. He's home, safe and sound (thank you, Lord).

I'm still a learning designer, but military kits are something I'd like to make at some point. I hope someone here can honor your request.


I'm not sure if you've seen Marisa's Marine bundle. If not here it is. There are also several more general military kits that could work well right along with it.

Here is the military themed kit.
Here is the more colorful USA bundle.

Oh, and of course, thank you daughter for her service! My nephew is a marine as well. What they go through to become 'The Few, the Proud', is just incredible!

I too would ask for Military themed kits. What I need are things like dog tag templates, combat boots and soldiers in uniform (both men and women). So, if any designer is motivated to expand their offerings, I'd be very grateful smiley

JANET! Thanks. I do have the Marine bundle, which is wonderful, but somewhat basic. I'm thrilled that it has a couple of the Marine sayings and that she's included the digital camo as Marines don't wear the other kind. And the Military kit does have a dog tag and some other things. I just kinda want "more".

What they go through is nothing short of amazing. It's definitely been a trip. As of 0831 this morning, I am officially a Veteran Marine Mom! She EAS'd (End of Active Service) today! OOHRAH! (btw, one of the sayings...hehehe)

Thank you both!

There never seem to be good Navy bundles, especially for submariners. smiley Submariner fish badge, pilots' wings, nautical messaging flags would be great to see in here as well.

I'm thinking about updating my military kits, mostly adding in some more elements. If there's something specific you'd like to see, please let me know below!

All the military kits remain popular, so I'm thinking about updating them. There are a few specific requests here, but if you have more please let me know. The more specific you can be the better because I have little military experience, so I'm not full of idea myself. What sorts of photos/occasions are you scrapping with these military kits?

Anything Seabee, Sand Sailor or Desert Pirate.

Dress uniform pieces for all branches of US military: Coast Guard, Navy, Army, Marines......and any I'm not thinking of at the moment.

@Marisa, you totally should update! I am a member of the PTO at my kids school and we are thinking about making military theme shirts for the school for an event. I really like the "HERO" elements that have the digi camo inside the letters. I don't know if the badge or logo or flag (IDK what it is called) is copywrited, but it would be cool to have an element with the logo on it.

I would love a Marine and a Navy themed one. My husband and my dad are veterans and would love to make them each a special page.