Please use this thread for any comments, questions, thanks, etc you have for our designers participating in the blog train. To see the blog train list, visit this post.
Please remember that the blog train does not go live until April 1, so the actual freebie on the blog may not yet be posted.
Do you have to be a designer to post something?
No this is open to anyone who wants to join along!
Everyone's kits and contributions look amazing!
Thank you so much Rachel, this is my first time designing stuff for someone other than myself. I just quick made a facebook page for it since I don't have a blog, would putting the files in Dropbox be an okay way to have the files available? Thank you so much for your time!
@Kelly Yes like Rachel mentioned all are welcome! And dropbox is often used for downloads so it should be fine! Your part looks fantastic btw!
Thank you so much! I have to tell you, I adore your plaids so much I watched about 6 different you tube videos until I could make them too. I'm so thankful for this great learning environment.
Marisa, the link to your alpha is not available.
Thank you everyone for your lovely contributions so far!
Thanks - lovely colors and great graphics for this month's blog train!
Danke vielmals für diesen wunderbaren Blogtrain. Alle Designerinnen haben ganz phantastische Werke beigesteuert. Jeden Monat freue ich mich auf den Pixelscrapper Blogtrain. Wir alle haben jetzt eine sehr schwere Zeit. Mit euren liebevoll gestalteten Kits helft ihr sehr, sich ein wenig abzulenken. Bleibt alle gesund, auf dass es in einem Monat ein neuerliches "Treffen" beim Pixelscrapper Blogtrain gibt. Ich umarme euch aus der Ferne und sende ganz liebe Grüße aus Österreich an alle, sowohl an die Designerinnen als auch der Pixelscrapper Community!
Thank you everyone for these, so awesome!
Stay safe and well
Thank you everyone for your amazing contributions to the blog train - they all look fantastic!
Just to let you all know if anyone downloaded my portion from my blog, you might want to go back and download again. I just corrected the link.
Thank you, everyone! These are gorgeous!
I have corrected the download link in my blog post if anyone had trouble getting my journal cards.
Meanwhile I'm so looking forward to using everyone's contributions! soo fabulous! thanks to all
Thank you for your collaboration, I used some of your kits to make a layout, without them my kit is so lonely!;)
Robin Sampson will you please contact me about your portion of the train I found some missing pixels on one of your elements.
My Facebook Freebie is here:
Many thanks to all contributors for their beautiful creations! Stay safe, y'all, stay home.
Thank you to everyone for a wonderful collection of kits! They're fantastic.
Thanks to all the designers. I will enjoy this BT. Not everything shown, but THANKS!
Lovely contributions, thank you!
Thanks, everyone! Great for scrapping past events, good to save for later!
Thank you everyone, all your contributions are just gorgeous..Stay Safe!
Thank you, everyone! I actually have a half-done paper album from a trip to Chile over a decade ago that I've been strongly leaning towards starting over as a digital album (SOOO much easier than busting out paints and scissors to finish the way I started, my kids will want to get in on the act and paint all the stuff I don't want them to! ) This train looks like it will be perfect for that job.
What a great topic for a blog train! Thank you to all the very generous and talented designers for sharing .. so much fun!! I so look forward to the PS blog train every month .. it's a great start to each new month!! Stay safe and well everybody
Thank you for all you beautiful kits !
thanks for all the goodies!
thank you everyone
Thank you everyone for the wonderful blog train this month!
thanks for all the goodies!