Sign up below with your lovely contributions to this month's blog train.
If you'd like to leave comments, questions, thanks, etc, please do so in this post.
Please post the following in this thread:
- Preview Image
- Link to your blog or direct link to the freebie if you don't have a blog.
Your part of the blog train does not need to be live until August 1.
Please note that if you are having problems with one of the links, please contact that designer directly. I have no control over their portions. Remember to be polite because they've worked hard to make something wonderful, for free. :)
Also, if you're claiming a spot for later, when you're ready to post your part, please post it at the end of the list so people can find it easily. I'll delete your reserve comment.
***Only post in this thread if you are posting a link to your part for the blog train.***
***Only post in this thread if you are posting a link to your part for the blog train.***
On the blog:

On Facebook:

My original contribution for this blog train has been removed.
Here is the revised contribution. Available on my blog HERE

This mini kit will be available August 1st for download on my Antebellum Press blog or for Pixel Subscribers here.
Here is my contribution to this month's blog train:
If you are a subscriber you can download this kit here, otherwise you'll also be able to find it at my FB-page.
If you like this kit; more coordinating kits can be found here at
Download HERE
Here are my previews ...
I will add the links soon.Here are the links:Elements part 1
Elements part 2
Papers Embossed
Papers Ombre
Papers Pattern 1
Papers Solid
Papers Pattern 2 - multicoloured
PS: I'm going to upload a few matching Wired Flowers to the commons over the next days ...
Download Link on my blog August 1.
Available on my blog The Rush Ranch, on Aug 1st:

Download from my BLOG

Download from my blog...
My contribution
Download here
The download button is on the right of the preview picture, near the top of the page.
I'm in. Reserving a place
Download here
Download available HERE
My part is available on my blog, Promethean Concepts.

hI HERE IS MINE.!Ah4lRN-5h8UCjx_0q_sI0vCJPfVG?e=kwmby1
Bohemian Rhapsody
Download here.

Gonna throw something in this time.
Here is mine!

Here is my Part - Download Here
Slipping in under the wire HERE!
Update - apparently I had a problem with mine in that it didn't include the kitty! I have updated the download so it should be fine now, but people who downloaded before today (August 6) may want to redownload.
Better late than never, here is mine.