Photoshop Brush Dynamics

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Photoshop Brush Dynamics

Does anyone know, that when you are creating a brush in Photoshop how you make it "turn" after clicking it. For example, I have a few brushes that you will click the brush on the canvas, and then the shape the brush makes will rotate say 45 degrees so the next time you click the brush down on the canvas it will be rotated. I have no idea whoever created the brush made it do that but I love it. I am trying to create a brush and I want it to do that.

go to the brush settings > shape dynamics and play with the angle jitter.
If the spacing is big enough, you can even see the angle changing when you draw a line

I also watched this (it is old, she uses SC4 but it can still help to watch it)
Jeannie Harris: Photoshop dynamic brushes pt 1 & 2 (keyboard shortcut did not work for me)

found this tut:

I have a tutorial here.

That's it Marisa, thank you.