Hi! I notice that you have PAGE listed as a format but I'm struggling to actually find any when I search for them. Does anyone know if that is a format that is still being used?
Also, I notice that some of the alphas have individual png files, while others have the alphabet listed all on one page. Is that specifically for use in PS?
The best way to find PAGE templates is to use the filter on the left side of the graphics page:
The sheet alphas should be able to be used by anyone if you're program has a select tool. Copy the selected letter and the paste into a new document.
Huh.... I never thought of that ( with the alphabet) - I'm not certain it does... but I'll try that. Thanks!
Another question - is there a list of categories? Like themes? I know to search for baby, or wedding, etc... but I'd like a full list if there is one.
Thank you for everything!
We do have a tag filter on the search pages as well. It only lists the top tags, but it's helpful for seeing what's popular.