New Years Resolutions...

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New Years Resolutions...

Of course being the beginning of the New Year, a lot of people make New Year's Resolutions... like Organizing, Dieting, Scrapping, Etc...

This year I had a friend say to me back in December she was NOT making any resolutions this year as she always FAILED miserably within the first couple months and then FELT like a Guilty, Miserable FAILURE the rest of the entire year. She said she was going to make a decision to do her best to change a habit this year. I liked the idea because I seem to do similar to her and since I'm a perfectionist I tend to then become almost paralized & crippled in my ability to even try to move forward when I can't achieve perfection right away. It becomes almost like a mental & physical block. smiley

So, my decision was to ALLOW myself to FAIL or do things less than PERFECT this year. smiley

With that in mind. I felt confident to TRY to declutter/simplify my LIFE. During starting this process the first few weeks, I've found a lady named Cas through a show on HGTV. BUT... she was on YouTube way before that (I guess) so there are tons of FREE videos on her channel. She is big on allowing yourself to know it's a process and that it's ok to not do it perfect... allowing yourself room to fail and make mistakes... and just get started. It's been amazing because I've started just going through one room at a time... even if just one step at a time.

I've also been seeing and hearing about Marie Kondo (because Cas talked about her on one of the videos I watched, so I was curious). It was about a step that involves "If an item doesn't make you happy"... and getting rid of things just taking up valuable space in your house and mind.

Has anyone ever run across either of these ladies? ...and have you implemented these types of process across your life? Not just the aspect of organizing your "stuff" but in realizing it as a process that could also be healthy for your entire life? Ie: even your friends, family, work, holidays, hobbies, memories, etc.

Does it SPARK JOY?
I've just found it fascinating...

Anywho... Hoping you ALL achieve Happiness and Joy this year! We each deserve at least a little of that no matter what life has brought our way the past couple years.