Waving hi from Alberta Canada

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Waving hi from Alberta Canada

Hi, I’m from Alberta Canada. A mom two two teens, girl and boy. I live with a sudden arrhythmia death syndrome called long qt syndrome as does my daughter mom and sister. I spend much of my time advocating for awareness. Please learn cpr, know that an AED will walk you through steps needed. And most important. You can’t hurt dead. I died in 2012 and was resuscitated.

What a story Sherri! Thanks for sharing and saying hi.

Hello Sheri! What a story indeed..

HI Sheri,

Thank you for sharing - I've heard of long qt syndrome and how it runs in families. (I presume you all have had genetic testing. I've had several times myself for different reasons.)

It's good to see another Canadian here. (I'm in Toronto.)

Hi Sherri.
Good to know. I'd never heard of that syndrome before.
What part of Alberta? I'm from Ontario, but my heart is in Alberta. I have quite a few friends there, and spent a summer guiding trail rides in the Kananaskis area. I try to get out there every year (missed this year).

Hi from Ontario, Canada.