Meeting Baby Brother

Meeting Baby Brother

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Recent Comments

hilary Sun, 02/01/2015 - 14:40

Aw, thank you! :)

Teddy Prayer
Teddy Prayer Sun, 02/01/2015 - 11:48

This one *should* be a template :) It really is beautifully done.

hilary Sun, 02/01/2015 - 06:14

This one was not a template. I used a template for the right side of the 2 page layout and it spilled over a little into this side. His blanket has bees on it so I wanted to give it the feel of a honeycomb, but not be too overpowering.

Lilian Jansen
Lilian Jansen Sat, 01/31/2015 - 23:11

I love your use of hexagons, and the handle with care!

Teddy Prayer
Teddy Prayer Sat, 01/31/2015 - 21:18

Aww . . . perfect template(?) for this, highlighting each girl equally while still focussing on baby.

Vanessa Serra
Vanessa Serra Sat, 01/31/2015 - 19:38

This is a very pretty page and an event she won't remember without it. Great page.