My Lil Miss

My Lil Miss

Similar Gallery Projects

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Recent Comments

Pirkko Seppälä
Pirkko Seppälä Mon, 05/27/2024 - 04:59

so sweet *heart*

Twilight Rose
Twilight Rose Wed, 06/06/2018 - 19:59


Jessica Dunn ⛄
Jessica Dunn ⛄ Wed, 10/01/2014 - 10:40

Thank you Sara & Marlyn!

Sara Paschal
Sara Paschal Wed, 10/01/2014 - 05:23

Sweetness indeed, great pic. Love the page lo and product used. Wonderful job!

Marlyn Ramirez
Marlyn Ramirez Thu, 09/25/2014 - 22:20

if i didn't know that this was made digitally i'd say that the frame was a standing one, placed on a table. great job!

Silvana Pages
Silvana Pages Thu, 09/25/2014 - 19:29


Jessica Dunn ⛄
Jessica Dunn ⛄ Thu, 09/25/2014 - 13:37

Thank you ladies! I decided to try something new and really play with shadows this time. :)

Claire Carranza
Claire Carranza Thu, 09/25/2014 - 12:43

What paddy said. Wonderful layout, beautiful baby. :)

Paddy Wolf
Paddy Wolf Thu, 09/25/2014 - 12:09

i like the 3d aspect of this, as if the frame was leaning against the wall covered in this awesome, bold, pink wallpaper :)

Megan Wield
Megan Wield Thu, 09/25/2014 - 11:19


Kaleena Farmer
Kaleena Farmer Thu, 09/25/2014 - 11:02

I love this! I really like the colors, the glitter and the ribbon.

Lilian Jansen
Lilian Jansen Thu, 09/25/2014 - 10:59

What a cutie!