Warnambool shop Facades

Warnambool shop Facades

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Recent Comments

Marlyn Ramirez
Marlyn Ramirez Wed, 04/14/2021 - 04:44

No, we didn't have time to go see the penguins either. Maybe next time :-)

Jill French
Jill French Tue, 04/13/2021 - 21:56

Thanks ladies. Oh Marlyn, I'm sorry you didn't see any whales. You probably didn't see the Marema dogs that keep watch over the penguins on the islands, either, or I'm sure you would've mentioned it. That's what the movie "Odd Ball" is all about.

Marlyn Ramirez
Marlyn Ramirez Tue, 04/13/2021 - 02:01

this is lovely, Jill. i've been to Warnambool but didn't see any whales. :-(

Bourico Casper
Bourico Casper Tue, 04/13/2021 - 00:01

Very beautiful Jill