Waimea Canyon

Waimea Canyon

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Recent Comments

Linda2 Dlr
Linda2 Dlr Thu, 12/16/2021 - 07:04

Thanks, Angelhaze!

Angelhaze Digiscrap
Angelhaze Digiscrap Wed, 12/15/2021 - 08:25

This a very wonderful landscape and beautiful pictures!

Linda2 Dlr
Linda2 Dlr Mon, 12/13/2021 - 08:07

Thanks, Jill and AMarie.

Ah, I see...I just copy and paste those tags but you're right, should be recipe. Changed now - thanks for the catch!

AMarie Charp✨
AMarie Charp✨ Mon, 12/13/2021 - 06:16

Gorgeous photos. (Linda, it seems the challenge tag isn't the right one.)

Jill French
Jill French Tue, 12/07/2021 - 19:34

Wow, what a beautiful place - great page too, Linda.