Paper 598 - Stitches Overlay

Recent Comments

Kathy Caye
Kathy Caye Thu, 11/21/2024 - 12:54

Thank you!

Samantha Stevens
Samantha Stevens Wed, 02/16/2022 - 00:06

Thank you so much!!

Amanda Read
Amanda Read Mon, 11/22/2021 - 00:48

This is really brilliant. It reminds me of the suture lines when we first began practicing as theatre nurses a long time ago but many memories stirred. I love what you do , it creates a world for people like me who no longer function well due to disability. Thank You

lynn renberg
lynn renberg Mon, 03/22/2021 - 03:44

...echOez of thanX n' jOy

Caroline B.-Laurens
Caroline B.-Laurens Mon, 06/08/2015 - 01:22

Thanks a lot !

Joanne Williams-Steer
Joanne Williams-Steer Wed, 06/03/2015 - 04:05

Thank you :)

Jill Myers
Jill Myers Thu, 07/24/2014 - 17:06

so cool!

Vickie List
Vickie List Fri, 06/20/2014 - 18:39

Thank you.