Flat White Cafe

Flat White Cafe

More layouts using Fieldnotes #8 Bundle

  1. Barfleur 070624
  2. Martin 230624
  3. Legoland
  4. Sup
  5. birthday 47

Recent Comments

Marlyn Ramirez
Marlyn Ramirez Sun, 08/18/2024 - 05:39

Mary, looks like a fun time was had by everybody

Mary Cox
Mary Cox Tue, 08/13/2024 - 19:48

Yes Chitra. Good friends and good memories

Chitra David
Chitra David Tue, 08/13/2024 - 19:26

Good memories...

Mary Cox
Mary Cox Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:59

Thank you Bina and AMarie

Bina Greene 🎑
Bina Greene 🎑 Tue, 08/13/2024 - 05:07

Great memories! Love the way you masked the photo and blended its edges with the bg and added yellow, looks great. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work and playing along. ❤️

AMarie Charp✨
AMarie Charp✨ Tue, 08/13/2024 - 01:45

Love the large masked photo placed on the center of the page. It gives a good balance.