Bryony: Dates Kit

Bryony: Dates

In This Kit

This kit does not currently have any items available for individual download.

Example Layouts

  1. Bryony
  2. Grobois 060716
  3. Florence en Auxois 070407
  4. Florence jul2005
  5. Messy Messy Messy

Recent Comments

Rachel Martin ❄
Rachel Martin ❄ Sat, 01/28/2023 - 16:51

You "cut them out" using whatever tool that is for you in whatever software you use, just like you'd do with an alpha. In photoshop, for me, it is the rectangular Marquee Tool.

Emmy Kollee
Emmy Kollee Sun, 01/01/2023 - 07:09

How can I use the numbers, when I download i get 1 single PNG with alle the numbers and months.