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About Me
UPDATED 11-22-2021
I live in Amherstburg, Ontario Canada. I am a mother to 2 adult children and a Grandma to 2 precious granddaughters AND a grandson! I love both traditional and digital scrapping. I'm very pleased that both my granddaughters love crafting and the oldest one loves scrapbooking. Neither my son or daughter were crafty,
as children. The digital program I use is Artisan 5. I have been using it for over 10 years and it is constantly a learning experience.
There have been animals in Madison's life since before she was born. Paisley would lay with her head on my daughter's tummy, feel her kicks and hear her heartbeat. Madison loves animals of all sorts! They went to Cedar Point the beginning of September and as always I wait for photos to be sent. I wasn't surprised my daughter sent me these. I just love the happiness on her face!
Template - Bits N Pieces called Going In Cirlces
Content - Snickerdoodle Designs - You Are My Sunshine
- Uploaded Sun, 09/22/2019 - 14:37
- 1 Comment
- 0 People heart this
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great layout