Joddie Samuelson
564 Community Points
About Me
Mom to 5 grown children, 2 girls-3 boys. Grammie to 14, 5 girls-3 boys and Great Grandma to 2 girls and 4 boys!
I love everything about computers & using them. My sister got me into traditional scrapbooking about 10 yrs ago, I love it! I found digital scrapbooking a few years ago and love it, for different reasons. I do All kinds of crafty things. Love to read and garden. I had a stroke when I was in my early 30's which left me with very limited use of my right hand (I WAS right handed). I can still do everything I need or want to do, it usually just takes me longer :-) I live with my Very spoiled Basset Hound Sadie Lulu in a small town in central North Dakota.