Lisa Hope Stacy
About Me
Hello, I'm a proud mother of 2 beautiful, smart & amazing girls (well teenagers). Around here everyone calls me Lisa country folk love to have two!! When I'm not running here & there to basketball games, track meets, softball games, volleyball games, girl scout meetings & all the many things my 2 are in..I am resting & working on my scrap projects.
I always have a camera in my hand & have become known as the local photographer around my parts. I snap a shot of everyone & everything I possible can. I am very active in my church & community & keep a strong faith. So all of my time is very well taken up all day & nights.
I love scrap booking, have for years now. Like everyone, I started with the paper scrapbooks years ago even before my girls were born...but then I found the digital world & I was hooked. Seems like I live on the internet. Sometimes I sit & think what in the world did I use to do when I was younger & the internet wasn't!! Almost as though the world stops at our house & things just goes crazy when it is down.
I love sharing what I can. After all the time & money I have put into gathering scrapbooking supplies, both digital & paper, my goal is too help allow others find things easier & faster for their use. I have been designing graphics since 2014, but not in the digi scrapbooking world until 2017.
I have become known as LEA Art Designs & I do what I do for fun, enjoyment, making new friends & relaxing. I can only pray that I become good enough, even if it's just a small bit, as all of the amazing designers here.
Anyway, I am excited about all the new people I am going meet & the new adventures I will find here. Everyone have a blessed & happy day...BIG HUGS to all!!