About Me
I'm a (married) homeschooling (unschooling) mama of 5 (preschool through young adult), and a blogger. I'm interested in reading, research, holistic health, theology, and, of course, crafts. To be honest, I tend to cycle through my interests, so I'm likely to go all-in with scrapping for a while, then drop off for a while as I give my attention to something else, and then eventually come back around to scrapping. That just seems to be how I roll. :) Hands-on scrapping/papercrafts is (are?) my favorite, but I'm intrigued by the possibilities for combining digital & physical.
I have MyMemories -- and I think an old verson of Creative Memories software, too -- but my primary tool is Affinity. It's just more familiar because I use it for other purposes, too.