WLM 2024 LC - Selfie Style

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WLM 2024 LC - Selfie Style

So, when is the last time you created a layout about yourself? If it's been a while (or not) or if you've never done one, now is the time to create one for your family scrapbook. We get so caught up in capturing our kids' and whole family's events, we often forget about ourselves.

The challenge - take a selfie and create a layout about yourself. Anything goes! Do whatever you like. If you're at a loss for what to scrap about yourself, here are some ideas... top ten favorites, your hobbies, your sports, the last book you read, your hopes & dreams, what makes you tick, what makes you cry, what makes you laugh, etc., etc. Or maybe no words are needed and you only include a recent photo of yourself. Let's just get *you* in your scrapbook.

The Details

  1. Challenge ends when February does.
  2. Be sure to post your layout in this month's completion thread if you would like to earn download credits. More details here.
  3. You must tag your layouts with this tag: feb 2024 layout challenge
  4. See entered layouts here.
  5. See updated rules here.

10/10 + 2


Selfie Me 13/24


Here is mine - thanks for the challenge Linda. I am really not a big fan of selfies but I take them once in awhile just to show my family I do exist lol!

I feel less silly doing a selfie when there's a pile of books involved. smiley

Fabulous, ladies! Love them all! And yea - your family will thank you that you’ve included yourself in the family srapbooks! smiley

Fun challenge Linda, I love a selfie smiley

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