June 2020 Blog Train - Working

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June 2020 Blog Train - Working

The June 2020 blog train is Kumbaya. For this theme you can think about outdoors, camping, good feelings, etc. Or do your own thing if you prefer.

Please read the new guidelines before finishing your contribution.

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DigitalScrapbook.com Blog Train Logo

Just a little peek..

Many thanks for the aco!
@Gina: I love what I am seeing through these holes smiley

You're welcome! smiley

Bina, I'm glad you like the sneak peek preview. It allows me to show what I'm working on without the kit being 100% finished.

This blog train theme and colors is going to be one of my favorites! smiley .

smiley Gina: Yeah, what a great idea to show the kit like that while still working on it.

Kumbaya... interesting. I'm very curious as to how this blog train will unfold! The colors are fantastic!

I am going to go with Mental Health Awareness on this one. It is a cause that is close to my heart. smiley

I plan to do backyard camping as my theme for this one smiley

Mine's going to be based on outdoor excursions my family does, like camping and hiking. smiley Looking forward to it (but trying to do the months in order first).

Moving right along here... We're having an early spring, which also means that we'll be heading into an earlier-than-normal spring roundup, so I thought I'd get everything online now. This was really a fun theme and wonderful colors to work with.

This was a difficult train for me, as I wasn't sure how to interpret the theme.
The colors and the word "Kumbaya" remind me of Africa, for whatever reason.
And, looking up the meaning of the word "Kumbaya", the term "Come help those in need, Lord" came up several times.
So, I went with that, not really Africa specifically.
Meaning that my kit kind of focuses on people in general, that we are all in need.
ESPECIALLY now, though I wasn't specific with the Covid-19 thing or sickness.
Hopefully, I'm not too far off the beaten path with this, or too vague.

@Diane Hiller, perfect!

How neat is it that Kumbaya was originally an appeal to God to come and help those in need? With this coronavirus its the perfect theme.

I think that the original idea was to make a kit related to nature, boy or girl scouts, going to campaments or camping... if we change to another theme, this will be a very extrange blog train! smiley

Well, "Kumbaya" is a song commonly sung at youth campouts (Scouts, etc.), at least when I was younger, so that's what I thought of first: nature, camping, scouts, etc. I still plan on doing that (once I finish my Vintage Memories kit).

You can always interpret the theme however you want, or ignore it completely. The theme is really just a suggestion.

My plan was to do nature, camp, hiking type kit. Just mentioning the an appeal to God to come and help those in need was timely. Not suggesting another theme.

I hope to take part in this train. I remember singing the song "Kumbaya". so I asked Mr Google for the meaning and here is what I found:

What does Kumbaya mean?
"Kum ba yah" ("Come by Here") is an African American spiritual of disputed origin, but known to be sung in the Gullah culture of the islands off South Carolina and Georgia, with ties to enslaved West Africans. ... The song was originally an appeal to God to come and help those in need.

Also take this: https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/kumbaya/#

"The song “Kumbaya” also appears in popular culture as a summer camp trope (...)" which was the main idea when I suggested this theme.

Kumbaya is also a person who usually go to summer camps, a hippy, with long hair and hippy clothes

I think I am going to go with a Peace & Love theme with this... I love the theme and of course, the song plays in my head the entire time I'm working on it.. Ha Ha!! Anyone ever heard Joan Baez version of the song?? It's great!!

OFF TOPIC Pls join a new swatch challenge in the designer challenge forum. smiley

I'm struggling with this kit for some reason!

Rachel: feel ya, I think I made this in December or January... tricky to fall back to.
Lisel: love your eye! smiley
Di: so beautiful.

I hear you, Rachel. I have a good idea what I want to do with it, and some pieces came together quite well, but other ones.... I went through three different designs for one paper before finding one I think actually might work with the others I made (saved the other two for a future kit), and ended up turning a different paper into a journal card instead.

Edit: And here's my preview. I think it ended up working out, but it was not as quick and easy as some other ones I've done.

Looks like this one is causing a lot of us some struggles. I haven’t even started mine yet - I have and idea but it’s not quite coming together in my mind, never mind on screen.

I love what you guys have done so far! And adding to my mental confusion is that none of the kits are anything like what’s brewing in my head. It’s going to be such an interesting train!

Yeah, but tricky though it may be, I still wanted to push through. Part of the fun of the blog trains, in my opinion, is that they can challenge me where I might otherwise just stick to more of the usual. Color palettes or themes I might not have done if I'd been 100% in charge of making those choices, but it's nice to tackle the challenge and see what I can do when out of my comfort zone. I had a similar problem with the My Tribe train (though in that case, I had less issue with the papers coming together), but that same challenge is what I loved about the Holiday Magic train, because the palette there was definitely NOT a traditional "Holiday" one and it was so fun to work on.

Here's my peekaboo preview. I've finished the papers and the wordart I think, just need a couple more elements to finish it off I think. I went with just a general summer theme.

From: https://www.alphadictionary.com/articles/english_grammar_style/kumbaya.html

What does 'kumbaya' in the song "Kumbaya, my Lord" mean?
"Kumbaya, my Lord" was first recorded by an out-of-work English professor, Robert Winslow Gordon, in 1927. Gordon went on a search for black spirituals and recorded a song "Come by Here, My Lord", sung by H. Wylie. The song was sung in Gullah on the islands of South Carolina between Charleston and Beaufort. Gullah is the creole language featured in the Uncle Remus series of Joel Chandler Harris and the Walt Disney production of Song of the South. "Come by here, my Lord" in Gullah is "Kum by (h)yuh, my lawd" (see our Gullah dictionary).

American missionaries took the song to Angola after its publication in the 1930s, where its origins were forgotten. In the late 1950s the song was rediscovered in Angola and returned to North American where it swept the campfire circuit as a beautiful and mysterious religious lyric. That is why the song is associated with Angola in many current printed versions.

In the US, however, the song was associated with Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other campers sitting around a campfire in perfect harmony. The picture of a warm, cozy community without conflict associated itself with the song and especially that foreign-sounding word in its title, kumbaya. Since the word had no actual meaning in English, cynics eventually converted this harmless connotation into the actual English definition of the word. That definition now seems to be "naive, unrealistic optimism" to many of us (not me).

OK Trying to make something for this. smiley


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