FLASH WLM 2015: Circles

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FLASH WLM 2015: Circles

For this FLASH challenge use circles in your layout.

Here are some examples from our gallery:

The Details

  1. Challenge ends 48 hours after the original posting
  2. See updated rules here.
  3. You must tag your layouts with these THREE tags: wlm 2015, flash, flash circles feb 2015 challenge
  4. See entered layouts here.
  5. Link your layout here in the forum to your gallery. Doing this makes it much easier for others to find your layout and smiley or comment on it. If you don't know how to do this there is a great tutorial here

    Not sure when the challenge ends? It is quite simple to figure out. Above my photo on the 1st post it says how many days or hours ago the post was made - if you hover over it with your mouse it will give you the exact time and date (this works on all the replies also). Then you would just add 48 hours smiley Here is a screenshot:



here's mine: 15/28

I went with the less is more approach for this page...

Here are mine. 48/56 and 49/56.

Circles are my favorite shape smiley Chose some happy colors to remember summer smiley wlm 5/6

Kaleena, I want to know why it is when I post something in the gallery, all of a sudden my style (ie triangles, circles, etc..) becomes the next flash challenge? Hmmmmm? Do you want to explain yourself, missy? That's just a little too much challenge if you know what I mean! LOL smiley Since you insist, I did another circles page here.

I told you all the flash challenges this month were shape themed in another thread! I can't tell you more than that or it would really be a flash now would it smiley Also they are all scheduled to post haha (I wrote all the posts for the FLASH challenges on the 1st haha) I am glad you are still participating in them though. Every time someone posts a shape that is coming up I just kinda smile to myself.

I think mine is late...it was not locked yet so i put it here anyway!
wlm 2015 layout 12/28

Topic locked