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HI! I'm Jill from Colorado and mom of 2! I stumbled upon this site by luck about a week ago. I was looking for a vector piece and wasn't having much luck. Then I found myself here, swimming in gold! lol I actually haven't digitally scrap booked (yet) I never really thought it was for me and didn't know where to start but I will have to venture that way (SOON!). I have always been crafty and my mom can more than attest to that. More often then not I was found tearing apart treasured family photo albums to make my own creation and gifting our beloved family pictures away. Thank goodness for negatives at the time! Our photos have been reprinted and replaced and in some cases more than once! I now find I enjoy making things digitally. I usually make invites for birthday's or showers or Christmas cards. Several months ago someone asked if I could make something for her son's birthday. I told her yes and she offered me money that I turned down because she was a friend. Then more and more people started asking and I realized that I found something that I LOVE to do and I could be making a little money doing it. So that's what I'm trying to do. I'm a stay at home mom of 2 and late at night when the kids go to bed I make things and list them for sale. It makes me feel like I'm helping my family and it gets me away from football Sunday in most cases! (shhhh don't tell my husband that is my plan!) I'm excited to learn more and get to know everyone! smiley

Hi to all newcomers!

@su: I´ll take a better look on your blog soon, it seems great! And it´s really beautiful.

@Jill: Here in Brazil I know lots of women that are following this same way. I am starting to preparing some things for parties too. Hybrid scrapbooking is really, really popular here these days...

Welcome everyone! Thanks for stopping by!

Hi, I'm Cindy. I am an avid (addicted) scrapbooker and have been for 7-8 years now. I began because I wanted to leave a legacy of sorts, discovered digital scrapping, and nothing else has gotten done since! I turned 50 this year...just can't get over that one. I was a teacher (5th grade, middle school spec. ed., and even college, at different times of my life) and loved it! I had to begin working P/T at the age of 32 due to illness and then disability. A major medical crisis ended the P/T work, and all I can say is thank God I found scrapbooking. It serves as a creative outlet for me and helps me to keep my mind off of some of the more difficult things in life. The rocky road just got rockier a few years back and has been relentless, so I was forced to back off from my great love, but I've just jumped back in (and again, loving every minute)!

There have been some other distressing issues in my life just recently, but I'm hoping things will improve and that I'll be able to participate a lot here...seems like a great site and one I'd love to frequent on a daily basis!

BTW, I'm in New York, have lived here all of my life, except for a couple of years when I lived and taught in N.C. (and oh, how I loved it there). I would love to return there someday. What holds me back is my family and my need to rely on them for some important things. I am very family-oriented, despite any needs, and they are who I mostly scrap about. Have to start getting myself into some of those photos!

Looking forward to becoming more familiar with pixelscrapper and getting to know everyone here!

Hi Marrisa,

I'm Lucy, a married mother of two very gorgeous boys.
I write nursery rhymes for Children and I am using the scrap booking technique to illustrate my first publication.
This is by far the best resource for commercial use material, the designs are perfect for creating characters and scenes and I absolutely love it!!
Having a very small budget this site has answered my design prayers, I love how the site works and I recommend this site to everyone! smiley

Lucy xxxxxx

I love digital scrapping! Thanks for providing such a great site!

hello everyone! my name is Kathy and I lived in a suburb of Los Angeles, California. Although I was born here, I was raised in Oklahoma & So.Illinois. I'm a retired college instructor and activity director. Iv'e been married for 29 years and have 1 daughter and 2 sons. My daughter has given me 2 beautiful granddaughters.They live in Illinois so I document their lives through digital scrapbooking. I can't thank you enough Marisa for the this web site! My other interests are calligraphy, pen & ink drawing, digital art & making 1 inch scale dollhouses, furniture & accessories. I am also a cancer survivor and and try to help others going through the same thing. I also have a very spoiled, psychotic tortoiseshell cat named Daisy that is the subject of several albums.

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi everyone!

@Lucy: You'll have to share the book with us when you're ready! So cool!

@Cindy: My dream is also to go back to NC. What a great place. If you could take a minute to check out our Forum Guidelines, that would be great.

I heart all things scrapbooking- especially freebies. Trying my hand at digital scrapbooking for the first time. Love it so far. This site really helps me a lot.

Thanks for saying hi Mimi!

Hi, I'm Laurie and I live in Milford, Michigan and I just found Pixel Scraper. The concept sounds great! I can't wait to be a part of this community. I'm not much of a scrapbooker, but I like making digital stuff (cards, crafts, siggies, basic stuff). I love the sparkly alpha freebie on the FB page so I just had to come check this place out. I'm so glad I did.

Thanks for stopping by Laurie! Glad you found us. If you have a minute, please read through our Profile Expectations. Thanks!

Hi all I am Spanish and my name Sole.
No write much English but my love for the scrap and your wonderful website is something that is worth the effort.

thank you very much

Hi Everyone, My name is Lorraine and I live in Washington State in a little town in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. I discovered this site through DigiScrapDepot about a year ago and have enjoyed the freebies Marisa has shared. I'm excited about the updated site and the ability to be involved. I am currently registered on a similar site, but I'm thrilled about a TOTAL digital site. I hope to post some of my layouts with you but I'm a little slow in learning how to navigate through the 'how to's'. This is my attempt to introduce myself, hoping I'm doing it correctly and it doesn't end up in cyber space somewhere.

Hi Sol! I know how you feel about writing in English. I´m from Brazil and sometimes it´s very difficult to write!

Hi Lorraine, welcome!

You did it correctly, dont worry smiley

hello, everyone, i've enjoyed reading your introductions and love that although we are all different and live far away from each other, we can learn and encourage one another through this site.

It's so nice to see so many new faces joining us... Welcome!!! and I look forward to getting to know each of you!

Hello everyone! I'm excited to be joining, although I'm feeling a bit like a duck out of water! I've been a traditional scrapbooker and cardmaker for years, but started playing around with digi just a year ago. I'm hooked, but still feel like there is so much to learn. I own a little store, just opened it in August, where I sell my whimsical, hand-drawn-digitized images. We are beginning to sell digi papers, but I have a paper illustrator who does all that for me. I just purchased Adobe CS6, I already have PSE10 and I use Illustrator to design most of my digi stamps. I'm here to learn! So I'll be reading all I can about using these software programs to actually create pages. I want to be able to make my first fully digital album to showcase pictures of a recent trip to Ireland! I took my 84 year old mother, who had always dreamed of going. We just decided we weren't getting any younger! So new things excite me. And I'm excited to be here!

Diane Noble

Welcome Diane! I look forward to learning new things with you!

So Sad when you cant remember if you have posted somewhere or not LOL Sorry if i am duplicating myself smiley
My name is Bobbie. I am married and we have one son, Clay. I work full time at Mississippi State University doing graphic design, publications, and a good bit of other random things lol. I use to be a traditional (paper) scrapper until I discovered digital scrapping. I have been addicted to digital scrapping for about 7 years. I have also opened the eyes of some of my co-workers to the digi-scrap world too smiley of course they love it!
Guess that is enough about me smiley

Wow! Our community has grown so much in such a short time ~ so exciting! Welcome to all the new arrivals!

Hi All! What a pleasure to read about Everybody. (Though there are so many smiling faces here that I'll have to come back for another read). Such interesting life stories & scrapbooking histories!

I'm Mel, (technically Melissa) an almost 40 gal who lives in Port Moody BC Canada (near Vancouver) with my Hubby the English lit professor and our fur-daughter Mouse, the cat. Confession time, I don't actually scrapbook. I tried it for a little bit. I did an album of some traveling in my youth (when scrapbooking was predominately stickers and edge scissors). Now though I'm an armchair traveler, who is mostly obsessed with photographing cards & 3D projects that I craft ... and making free papers, overlays and tidbits to share on my blog. I suppose it's high time that I give scrapbooking another shot, now that it's gotten so interesting with all its digital-hybrid-spritz-and-painty-diecut-layery goodness.

I dream of doing these things one day: learning to use Illustrator; making collage art; trying Project Life on for size; creating hybrid card-making videos; writing a book of some kind; becoming a registered art therapist; retiring to some lovely place and hosting artsy workshops... etc. smiley

Thanks Marisa and Jordan for such a great site with such great resources & friendly faces!

Welcome Bobby and Mel! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!

Hi everyone, I've been reading all the posts & it's amazing how many different places everyone is from! Well my name is Lavina, I'm 41 but sliding slowly towards 42, only 27 days to go!! I live in Glen Waverley, a suburb of Melbourne, Vic, Australia. G'day everyone smiley
It's funny reading all the scrapping websites because nearly everyone is getting ready for a cold, snowy winter, whilst we're heading into a hot summer. We hit 38.5 yesterday but it's raining now. I'm married with a 4 year old son, Sean, who is absolutely gorgeous (ok I'm biased). I'm an old time traditional scrapbooker who loves all the amazing products because it means I no longer have to cut out embellishments from wrapping paper, but I've given that up for the moment in favour of trying my hand at digital scrapbooking which I've been learning about for a year & doing for about 6 months. I've completed 2 albums for work colleagues, stopped until I recently joined Pixel (thanks for helping me find my mojo) & have done 2 pages which I'm really keen to upload. (yep I'm a bit slow). And if you couldn't tell, I love to talk smiley

Hi! My name is Dawn and I live in south Texas. I am a photographer and mom to 1 girl and 2 boys. I spend too much time looking at pretty designs and not enough time working!

Welcome DMarie1975. I hear ya about spending too much time staring at pretty pictures...seems that's all I do these days, that and download scrapping stuff... When you have a moment if you could please read through the Profile Expectations and fill out the necessary parts of your profile, including a picture of either yourself, someone you know or a public domain portrait, that would be fantastic. The Profile Expectations post goes into the whys and what is acceptable but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

@Lavina: Welcome... I have a friend who lives in Australia, but she lives in Qld (Mackay to be specific)... I keep forgetting that she's now 15 hours ahead of me instead of 14 since they don't do daylight savings time... Vic does though right? My friend, Cath, was complaining about the cold all through my Summer so now it's her turn to listen to me complain about the

I look forward to seeing what you made when you upload them.

Hello everyone,

I have been scrap booking for many years. I just retired and My husband and I are now enjoying traveling.

Hi Jo! welcome! just wanted to let you know that we encourage folks to post a picture of themselves or someone they know or someone they don't know if it's a public domain picture... so feel free to add a pic to your profile page. Hope you have fun here!

I take a few days break from lots of internet stuff and look at all the new people I missed. Hi everyone

This looks like a nice place to be. I am new to this and am giving it a try.
