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I'm Nicole and I'm getting back into scrapbooking, this time digitally. So glad I came across this website with all the different ideas and downloads available. I have 12 years of my boys' lives I need to catch up on in album forms so they can enjoy looking at pictures and memories vs just looking at a camera reel when they get older.

Thanks for saying hello!

Hai to all those who read this ... first of all ... thank you to Marisa and all those creative designers for this website. It is totally amazing. Then thank you to Lonneke who introduced me to digital scrapbooking and this website.

I'm a dutch mom of three boys, lived abroad (the caribbean and other countries in europe) most of my life and am now making scrapbooks from my old paper scrapbooks and tons of digital and scanned pictures. The individual life-scrapbooks will be a gift for each of our three sons and my hubby this year. Can't wait to see their faces and hope they will love 'm.

But first of all I need to learn a lot, read all your tutorials, collect beautiful images and scan heaps of old pictures, so I'll be hanging out here for a long time smiley

Have a beautiful day.

Welcome Lynn! Thanks for saying hi.

Hi thank you for getting in touch with me, it's very kind. I have not been doing very much crafting lately. My husband has had prostate cancer for the last 5 years, and then suddenly a few months ago it decided to spread all over his body and he has been giving a year to live, with 6 months either side. I think we have always known this would probably happen, but didn't realise how weak he would become, first with his thigh breaking and now having to walk with 2 crutches. He spends most of his time sitting in the chair or lying down on the bed.
I find that I have lost all interest in crafting at the moment, just making a few birthday cards. One day I hope to get back to it again.
Yours Elisabeth Hebert x

Thanks for saying hello Elisabeth. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. May you find a way to enjoy these last days together smiley

Hi all! I thought I had introduced myself, already, but I guess not!!

I'm Stephanie and I live in Georgia. I have a million interests, but I focus on faith and family. I earned a Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning in 2019, but I don't teach anymore. I use my research skills to write devotionals, opinions pieces about faith, education, and culture, and Bible studies. I like to include artwork with the pieces I publish on Substack.

I did a LOT of digital scrapbooking between about 2005 and 2015, but stopped when I went back to school. Now I have some serious catching up to do, so I'm grateful for y'all!

I have three adult daughters, two granddaughters, and a grandson who just turned two. I suspect they will show up in layouts. I've been married to the same guy since 1987.

Defaulting to Grace

Thanks for saying hi Stephanie. Glad you are back to scrapbooking!

Hi Denise here,

I do not scrapbook persé, but am digitally creative in Affinity suite v1.
Mostly I make stuff for my games (TTRPGs and board games) for which I am currently creating photo's for characters, news paper articles etc. (what are referred to as "handout" smiley

A lot of the basis is AI generated smiley, and from there I use Affinity Photo and or Affinity Designer to generate the handouts I need/want.

My attempt at scrapbooking is to create "personnel files" for my characters in a Sci-Fi RPG. While searching for certain PNG files, I ended up here.

Tracy from OHIO by way of New Jersey. I work at a small college where things slow down in the summer! I was a project life diehard for many years and then went to hybrid scrapbooking and took a break while getting my masters. I am trying to do a page a week for the year and was only about a week behind but then I discovered this website and started overhauling the entire year. HAHA but in the most fun and best way possible. I plan to print one copy but save the digital file in the event that one of my twins wants it in the future.
I am an avid reader and plant mom!

Hello Everyone! My name is Ashley and I'm a first time/stay at home mom who loves making mini albums! I found Kellybell Designs and fell in love with digital scrapbooking though. Unfortunately, I haven't found any places that have classes or tutorial on how to design digital scrapbook elements like hers though... so if anyone knows where I can find a class or tutorial of that kind, PLEASE comment below and let me know! Because I have a LOT of designs in my head, just waiting to come out!

@Ashley: Welcome! Kellybell uses quite a variety of elements and so quite a variety of skills are needed to get that result. If you start going through the tutorials here you can build up your individual skills and eventually also be able to make a variety of things.

@Tracy: Welcome! I also make a weekly spread! Looking forward to seeing yours.

@Denise: Welcome! Your handouts sound cool!

Hello! I’m Maria but go by Gaby. I’m venezuelan born puertorrican grown. I started scrapbooking as a kid but stopped, and now as an adult I found digital scrapbooking and started doing it as a way of journaling. I enjoy photography, make-up, and anything frilly to be honest. I’m quite shy, but once i open up I’m quite the chatterbox. Nice to meet you all!

Welcome Gaby! So glad to have you here!

Hello everyone,
My name is Jan and I started digital scrapbooking way back when there were only 2 digital sites. I think it was about 2004. I was on the CT for several sites back then.
I went on the become a CT at RAK Scraps and started making some of my own kits to give out as our monthly give-a-way and also for the chats I hosted.
Went on to sell a few kits at Scrapdish and then followed Kim Jensen and Jen Yurko around on their CT teams. I mostly scrapped my granddaughters in those days. Hard to believe they are all grown up and Santana has 2 of her own kids now, which makes me a great-grandma. Their names are Dakota and Diesel.
I have had health issues over the years due to being born with spinal birth defect, so had to stop for a few surgeries and the fact that my iMac died.
I look forward to being involved in the community and getting to know other scrappers out there in cyberspace.
I scrap and design in PS5 now on my 15" MacBook.
Having to upgrade to subscription PS as my new iMac will not run my PSCS5.
Thank you for having me. Almost forgot. My user name all these years is GodBlessAmerica. Hope to hear from those who I might have known in the old days.

Welcome Jan! So fun to hear about your history with Digital Scrapbooking.

Wow! Where do I even start? I guess at the beginning. The air on the night of June 1st, 1970 was thick and heavy. Humidity hung in the air making it difficult to breathe and skin to feel sticky. But this was no ordinary hot summer night. No, this was the night her life, as she knew it, would change forever. She could feel the dull throbbing pain settling into the crevice of her back. She waited in the dark full of excited anticipation yet also full of anxiety of what was yet to come. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours as she fearfully welcomed the pain that grew inside her. There was no turning back, the time was now. Her pain now coursed through her body like a bolts of lightening. Barley able to catch her breath she braced herself for the next crashing wave she knew was coming. She panted and hisses and grit her teeth. It wouldn't be much longer now.

In the morning light, drenched in sweat, exhausted, and barely able to move, she smiled. Her life indeed had changed, changed forever, and she couldn't be happier. For on that Tuesday morning of June 2nd, 1970 she had become a mother. She became MY mother.

Wait? What? That's going too far back? Oh, let me speed things up a bit.

21 months later my best friend was born. I was a big sister and loved helping to take care of my brother. Even if I did almost suffocate him once trying to wipe his nose. Hey! I was not even 2-years-old and thought I was being helpful. Didn't want him having boogers all over his face. smiley

Being the offspring of an Army dad I had the privilege of getting to travel all through my growing up years and even lived in Germany for nearly 15 years. I speak German, albeit, not was well as I once did. I explored nearly every castle, skied the Bavarian Alps, rode the gondolas in Venice Italy, been to Switzerland and Austria, just to name a few of my adventures. But on June 16, 1986 our family moved back to America. Adjusting to American culture was not an easy task. Life was so very different with the rush rush and 24-hour stores. Even how people treated each other seemed so crude to me.

As the years passed, naturally, I adapted. And although I was born State Side, Germany will always be "home". I haven't been back, YET! I hear things are much different now but I still plan to visit again.

We moved A LOT and at the age of 21-years-old I had already moved 31 times and that's where I quit keeping track. In addition to Germany, I've lived in Indiana, Georgia, Arkansas, Ohio, Nevada, Michigan, and... um.... ahhh, heck, I can't remember where else.

Eventually, (somehow, I'm not exactly sure when or how but), I grew up and *ugh* became an adult. (I use the term "adult" loosely, I'm still just a child on the inside. Anyway, I married, had three beautiful children, bought a house, and as often happens, ended up divorced after 17 years of marriage.

I had an amazing career but when the company when through some changes, I was downsized. That's when, at the age of 40 I decided to put myself through college. I was scared to death I wouldn't be smart enough but ended up graduating Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and as the Student Body President. And did it all while working full-time and being a single mother. In addition, I was dealing with some major health concerns and being the fighter I am put myself through some major changes and went from being nearly 300 pounds down to 127 pounds.

After graduation I moved to Las Vegas to be near my parents. I became a special education high school math teacher. (I was known as the crazy teacher whose class everyone wanted to be in. I was very non-traditional) but I left Las Vegas, and teaching, when on February 10th, 2017 my middle son, Vincent, died in a car accident exactly one month before his 22nd birthday. This also happens to be when my oldest son decided to eliminate me from his life. The last we spoke was at Vinny's funeral. I hear he's doing well and that makes me happy.

I try, even if I struggle at it, to find the good in everything. Vinny was an organ donor and with his gift of himself, touched nearly 100 people. He lives on because I keep his memory alive, as well as, through others because of his selfless act. *This is my PSA --- If you are not an organ donor, please, please, go to and read up on how important being a donor can be. One day it may be you, your child, your partner, your parent, or best friend that could need the gift that only a donor can give. Live on after your gone!* Okay, getting off my soap box now.

Skipping all the horrific details, I've had my fair share of trauma. Spiraled down into the dark scary places, danced with my demons, and played dangerously close to the edge. Just this past week I executed my "Operation Freedom Launch" plan to get out of an abusive and toxic relationship and here I am happy, healthy, free, and safe. Thankfully, I have some pretty amazing people in my life that supported me, believed in me, and encouraged me even when I had zero hope for myself.

My life is chaotic and surrounded by boxes, I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor of my girlfriends house, I'm so broke I don't have two dimes to rub together, but I have hope. My inspiration to write and record music have returned. I am full of optimism and eager for what each day brings. I am a phoenix, I have risen from my ashes, and I am ready to glide across the beautiful skies toward a future full of opportunity.

I share my story, not because I want people to feel sorry for me, or to think I'm such a "strong" person, but because IF there is even ONE person out there who reads my story and it gives them strength, if it inspires them, if it motivates them to change their destiny, to escape a harmful environment, or even to find a glimmer of hope which keeps them from going over the edge, then sharing my story will have been worth it. Worth it even if for just one person.

I am so grateful to have stumbled upon this site. Creating beautiful pages with the tools provided here have ignited my imagination and provided an escape when I so desperately needed one. So, from the tip of my dripping allergy nose all the way down to my stinky sweaty toes.... THANK YOU!

Believe in Your Magic!

Here's a picture of my baby! Her name is Ninja. She's an ESA!

Thanks for sharing your amazing story Gina 💜

Hi Gina,

herzlich Willkommen unter den Scrap-Verrückten. Als Deutsche freut es mich, mehr deutschsprachige Kreative hier zu begrüßen. Ich wollte gestern schon schreiben, aber da kam mir das Forumupdate dazwischen ( wir sind ja 8 Std. voraus)
Du hast ein ereignisreiches Leben hinter dir, aber immer noch genug Lebensfreude, um etwas Neues zu beginnen. Bravo.
Ich schaue gerne in deiner Galerie vorbei, um zu kommentieren und dich zu ermutigen.

Viel Spaß und kreative Inspiration.

In English:

Welcome to the scrap crazy community. As a German, I am happy to welcome more German-speaking creatives here. I wanted to write yesterday, but the forum update got in the way (we're 8 hours ahead)
You have an eventful life behind you, but you still have enough joy in life to start something new. Bravo.
I'd love to stop by your gallery to comment and encourage you.

Have fun and creative inspiration.

Hello Fellow Digital Scrapbookers!

I want to introduce myself, but I don't want to fill up the page with a long explanation about who I am ... that can be found in my profile. Suffice it to say that ... I am an artist. I made a living as a teacher. I'm now retired.

I don't have any specific software that I use for creating my digital designs. I use PowerPoint. I have Adobe Photoshop but have not learned how to use it. I want to have a blog, so I can start sharing but don't know where to go to start one. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I think that in every artistic endeavor, a person creates a part of themselves is infused within it. You can learn a lot about a person from what they create. My name means "bee" so you will find a bee somewhere in most of my creations. I look forward to seeing what you all have made and sharing my creations as well.

Happy creating!

Thanks for saying hi Debbie! Look forward to seeing your creations.

Hello! My name is Pandora. I thought I'd already done this, but I think something went wrong. Either way, it's nice to meet you all!

I am 17 years old. I joined this site because I want to make a book review Youtube channel with a scrapbook-y feeling, so I'm looking for graphics that fit that look. smiley

This certainly seems like a gem of a website—Everyone here seems really kind, and there are a lot of helpful resources from what I've seen. I'm glad to be here! Please treat me well. smiley

Welcome Pandora!

Hi there,

I'm Cerise a retired professional that has recently discovered digital scrapbooking. I've not made any spreads as I still enjoy the comfort of scissors and the click of roller tape but I do love the creativity that this site has introduced me to. For now, I'll stick to printing and fussy cutting my families layouts, but when I do have time to learn a new skill (currently trying my hand at knitting), I know just the place to come.

Pleased to meet everyone,

Hi! Im Melissa. I love scrapbooking and collage. I started out just paper scrapbooking and had a lot of my layouts in various scrapbooking magazines. I was a Memory Makers Master the last year of the magazine. Once I found digital scrapbooking, I really fell in love with the medium. This is my absolute favorite site/shop and everyone here is so talented.

Welcome! Thanks for saying hi!

Hi, my name is Kathleen and I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all the designers here for all the free goodies!

Welcome Pandora! Sounds like a fun YouTube channel.
